Category Archives: Andrea Adler

2012 Arts Alliance Workshop Jan 21-22: Holistic Marketing for the Cultural Creative

What is Holistic Marketing?
by Andrea Adler, Founder of Holistic PR
and the author of The Science of Spiritual Marketing and Creating an Abundant Practice

There has never been a time in our history when an innovative, inspired approach to marketing has been more important.  Understanding that intention and energy are behind every word and image we use in our materials and in our outreach, makes a huge impact as to how we are perceived and whom we attract.  Everything we do and say directly impacts the prosperity of our business. Traditional marketing methods no longer work.  We clearly need a new paradigm.

Holistic PR integrates both spiritual and practical principles into our mindset, materials and outreach. Instead of using traditional applications, which are not sustainable over time, Holistic PR offers a spiritual and holistic approach that creates a somatic, sensory response—the body in its wholeness, the mind, heart and the spirit as a unity—so that our audience resonates energetically with who we are and what we have to offer.  It infuses all aspects of our marketing with the essence of our work.

By working with the emotional, physical, linguistic and ontological aspects to achieve a depth of attraction, we invite clients and workshop participants to embark on a journey called, The Science of Spiritual Marketing: Initiation into Magnetism.  Why magnetism?  Because, when we are in alignment with our true destiny on an energetic level, we are in sync and we magnetize those synchronicities, coincidences, and people that we want to bring to us—effortlessly, gracefully.

This unique and proven process can easily be taught and applied.  Whether you are a large or small business owner, an entrepreneur, a student or a real estate tycoon, or an artist, the principles are exactly the same.  Holistic PR’s holographic approach will provide you with clarity— an entire A to Z marketing strategy—to support you in creating dynamic marketing materials that magnetize you to the audience you want to attract.

For over thirty years, I have had the privilege to guide business owners from all professions in holistic marketing principles. The adventure of engaging in this conscious intention and awakening people to their fullest potential is my commitment and highest reward.

All rights reserved   ©Andrea Adler

For workshop details and registration form
visit the Arts Alliance website.